Prenatal Care


Individualized prenatal appointments are part of our total package of homebirth services. These appointments take place in the office and follow the routine schedule of once-a-month appointments through the first and second trimesters (up to 28 weeks). Appointments are then every two weeks until 36 weeks. Around 36 weeks, there is one in-home appointment to review plans for labor, and document your desires for the birth. After this visit, we meet back in the office once-a-week until birth. Appointments are usually 45 to 60 minutes, with the exception of the 36 week “Preparing for a Homebirth” visit which may be up to 1-1/2 to 2 hours.

All appointments include both discussion and clinical assessment and are a combination of one-on-one personalized care and a community conversation format. Answering your questions and addressing your concerns are a priority. Discussions also include education and informed decision-making regarding the normal course of pregnancy, testing and screening, ultrasound, nutrition, childbirth preparation, and prevention of complications. Clinical assessment includes taking vital signs for mother and baby, determining the baby's position and growth, and discussing ultrasound or lab results. 

Continuity is an important component of your care. In this way, there is a greater opportunity to develop a relationship of trust and understanding, generate good communication, establish familiarity with your physical health and "synthesize clinical observation, theoretical knowledge, intuitive assessment, and spiritual awareness ... [for] competent decision making."*

An emphasis on self-care will be an essential part of your prenatal experience to encourage optimum health, preparation for birth, postpartum recovery, and readiness for motherhood.

*Heart and Hands, Elizabeth Davis Floyd