Postpartum Care

Preparation for postpartum recovery begins prenatally with making plans for help and support. Most important are the two weeks following birth, but the entire six-week postpartum period is best thought of as a transition to your new life with baby. A prenatal review of your needs, resources and limitations will guide your ideas and approaches to this crucial time, allowing for optimum bonding, healing, and establishing breastfeeding.

Postpartum check-ups take place in your home on day one, day three or four, and with a third home visit in the first week.  Postpartum care focuses on evaluation of your recovery, and your baby's health, as well as support and guidance for breastfeeding, adjusting to the needs of a newborn, and embracing this new phase of motherhood.  

There is also a three planned office visits:
Two that include emotional health evaluations at 2 weeks and 4 weeks,
and a routine final visit at 6-8 weeks. 

Additional visits are scheduled, as needed, for extra help for circumstance or situations that are particularly challenging.