Family Midwifery


Family Midwifery offers

family-centered, health-focused maternity services:

wholistic prenatal care,

planned homebirth, and

individualized care for mother & baby

during postpartum recovery.

Wholistic Prenatal Care for Hospital Births


This package is for mothers and birth-parents who are planning to have their baby in the hospital, and are looking for additional care that is focused on a natural approach to health, pregnancy and mothering.

This prenatal care package is offered as a supplement to the care
you are receiving from your hospital-based practice and includes a monthly, small group (mothers only) gathering in our office, personalized phone support, and a bi-weekly virtual meet-up. It provides the opportunity to learn how to check on the physical well-being of you and your baby, thoroughly answer your questions, engage in informed decision-making, learn more about alternative health perspectives on routine care, and connect with other moms. The format for the small group appointments is an open-discussion and good old-fashioned Q&A facilitated by Gengï. In order to preserve the personalized, intimate nature of wholistic care, space is limited. Please fill out the “Please Contact Me” form if you would like to chat with Gengï to learn more or register for this service.


124 Main Street, Deep River CT 06417

Phone: (860)866-8700

Fax: (877)592-5962