Family Midwifery


Family Midwifery offers

family-centered, health-focused maternity services:

wholistic prenatal care,

planned homebirth, and

individualized care for mother & baby

during postpartum recovery.

The Wellness Physical

The Well-Being Physical is a verbal review of all body systems that focuses on physical well-being, body education, personal empowerment, and exploring the mind/body/spirit connection. It is a head to toe physical examination (including general eye/ear/oral exam, reflex testing, evaluation of heart, lungs, thyroid, liver, kidneys, abdominal organs, spine, muscles, breast exam, pelvic exam), and a pap smear and/or blood work. Appointments for well-being physicals are generally 90 minutes to 2 hours to allow for plenty of time to discuss any specific findings, questions or complaints. The discussion also includes information on alternative health therapies, nutritional instruction, and referrals for further evaluation, diagnosis or treatment, as needed.

124 Main Street, Deep River CT 06417

Phone: (860)866-8700

Fax: (877)592-5962